
Inviting all problem solvers

Dream to be a Green Disruptor?

Co-create sustainable products or Launch your own cost-effective start-up. To help Save our planet

Factors slowing down Green Entrepreneurs

Lack of sense of urgency
Inadequate inspiration
Lack of ways to earn green livelihood
Absence of support networks
Slow dissemination of technologies
Insufficient ideation and innovation
Lack of access to funding
Sociocultural limits in taking risk
Lack of vocational education
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What will You Bring?

Passion for Planet
Open mind
Basic funding Rs 5-10 lacs for your own start-up
Seed funding opportunities for highly innovative efforts

We Are: Living Green, Made Easy!

Forget fancy terms, we’re all about simple ways to live happy, healthy, and green!

Earthy Homes, Cozy Feels
Earthy Homes, Cozy Feels
Picture a snug house made from the Earth itself! No chemicals, just natural walls that keep you warm and cozy. It's like living in a hug from Mother Nature, surrounded by beauty and peace.
Small Steps, Big Change
Small Steps, Big Change
Living green isn't about perfection, it's about little choices! Ditch the plastic bottle for a reusable one, bike instead of driving, and use natural cleaners for a sparkling home. Every step counts, like magic dust for the Earth!
Eco-Jobs, Happy Hearts
Eco-Jobs, Happy Hearts
Work can be awesome when it helps the planet! We support businesses that care about the Earth, from organic farms to clean energy companies. Imagine waking up excited to do good, knowing your job makes a difference.